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Nouvel Avitailleur Sacim - Marché Hongrie

Nouvel Avitailleur Sacim - Marché Hongrie


Nouvel avitailleur Sacim de 40.000 litres, pour l'aéroport de Debrecen - Hongrie.

Nouvel Hydro-cureur Sacim - Marché nord-africain

Nouvel Hydro-cureur Sacim - Marché nord-africain


Nouvel hydro-cureur prototype Sacim de 18.000 litres, approbation ATEX, spécialement conçu pour le marché nord-africain 

Sacim - Marque Historique d'intérêt national

Sacim - Marque Historique d'intérêt national

7 Septembre 2022

La marque Sacim a été reconnue comme "Marque Historique d'intérêt national" et a donc été inscrite, après une demande et une vérification spécifique, au Registre spécial des marques historiques. Tous les actionnaires et employés de Sacim sont fiers d'avoir atteint cette étape historique prestigieuse.


Centenary Celebration

Centenary Celebration

11 September 2021

Samedi, le 11 septembre 2021, SACIM a célébré officiellement son 100ème anniversaire, en présence des Institutions, de la délégation de Confindustria Romagna, de l'Evêque du Diocèse de Cesena-Sarsina et enfin, en présence de ses clients, fournisseurs et partenaires commerciaux nationaux (vu les restrictions en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19). Au cours de la célébration, des tables rondes avec des témoignages historiques ont été organisées, ainsi que des moments de remise de prix, de musique et de spectacle.


Centenaire - marque et carte postales philatéliques

Centenaire - marque et carte postales philatéliques

18 Septembre 2020

Le Centenaire de Sacim SpA a été célébré avec une marque et carte postales philatéliques en présence des employés et actionnaires.


Centenary - 2020

Centenary - 2020

11 July 2020

Today, the Centennial official date of SACIM Spa company.

We take this opportunity to thank all our employees, our customers, suppliers, partners, consultants, competitors and all those who have contributed to the growth and to the success of the company. Today we are what you have done for us. Thank you!



President Speech - Centenary

President Speech - Centenary

11 July 2020

Dear Employees and Staff Members,
Today, 11 July 2020, Sacim celebrates its one hundredth anniversary.
It all began as far back as 11 July 1920, on a Sunday morning, when my grandfather Giacomo, together with ten mechanics, friends of his, decided to establish – in Cesena – a cooperative called C.I.M. which, in 1927, became the company S.A.C.I.M. (Società Anonima Costruzioni Industriali Meccaniche), animated by a deep-rooted enthusiasm and love for their job.
The historical context of that period brings to our minds the First World War (1915-1918) and the very serious Spanish influenza pandemic, which actually ended in 1920 and reminds us of the current Covid-19 pandemic, as if in an intended coincidence.
The history of Sacim is something truly unique and valuable in the tank construction industry for transporting liquids, deeply rooted as it is in the Cesena area: the connection with the town of Cesena cannot be disregarded because the company shows all the typical traits of people from the Romagna region, most notably hospitality and friendliness.
I would like to thank in particular all employees who, since 1920, have been working for Sacim, contributing to the development and success of the company, gaining the nickname of “tank tailors”, as they have passed on from one generation to the next this manufacturing art.
The success of Sacim, however, is also due to our Institutions which have always supported us during hard times, to our clients for their valuable cooperation, to our suppliers with their competence and reliability, to our partners for sharing satisfactions as well as problems, to all our consultants and professionals for providing valuable advice, necessary to define the best strategies, as well as to our competitors for their honesty and loyalty aimed at our continuous improvement.
Having overcome, during one century, the most difficult challenges on the market and being already set for the next future ventures, today we can celebrate this one hundredth anniversary with joy and excitement, being aware that – at least for one day – we are the Tank Championship winners!
Thanks to everyone.
Francesco Molari

Centenary Logo - 2020

Centenary Logo - 2020

01 July 2020

On the occasion of the Centenary of our company, a logo has been created with a cistern symbol of the '30s to remember the origins of SACIM Spa.